RTI Pyramid

RTI Procedures

Academic TIER 1

(About 85% of students)

  1. Quality classroom instruction is provided by the teacher and based on the Arkansas State Standards.  The fidelity of Tier 1 instruction is monitored by the building level principal during classroom visits. Tier 1 instruction should address the needs of 85 % of the school’s students. By using flexible grouping, formative assessment, and targeting specific skills classroom teachers are able to meet instructional goals. Tier 1 instruction consists of four elements:

    • High quality program of instruction

    • Use of quality research based instructional strategies

    • Ongoing formative assessment to determine instructional need.

    • Ongoing professional development to equip teachers with the necessary strategies to ensure that students receive quality instruction.

  2. Cumulative folders will be checked within the first 20 days of enrollment by the homeroom teacher. Look for any of the following:

    • IEP

    • RTI plan

    • Behavior plan

    • 504

    • Attendance records

    • Medical records

    • State test scores

    • Universal assessment data
      The district will provide a list of students receiving RTI services at transition points.

  3. Students experiencing significant academic difficulty after 6-9 weeks of instruction may be referred to RTI. Referrals for kindergarten should not occur until second semester unless an exceptionality is evident. The following data will be necessary for referral:

    • Student Data sheet

    • Hearing and Vision Screening

    • Social and Emotional checklist

    • Universal Screeners (indicating performance in the lowest quartile)

    • Current attendance report

    • Current grade report

    • Current discipline records

    • RIST (or IQ screener)- elementary school

    • Student work samples


  4. RTI building team convenes to look at data and make recommendations.  RTI team consists of Classroom Teacher, Principal, Counselor, Title 1 Staff, and in some instances the Special Education Teacher. If the team feels the student is in need of intervention services they will schedule a meeting with the parent/guardian.  Parents/guardians are encouraged, but not required to participate in the RTI process.

Academic Tier 2

(About 10% of students)

  1. Academic interventions will be research based and based upon Arkansas State Standards.

  2. The teacher will establish a baseline performance level using assessments such as DIBELs, STAR, ARAN, PASS, and PAST.

  3. Interventions should address multiple modalities (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) and be different instruction than has occurred in the classroom.

  4. Tier 2 interventions are designed by the teacher for the student and should occur at least  3 times per week and last 15-30 minutes.  Interventions may be delivered in small groups.

  5. The teacher should be progress monitoring at bi-weekly intervals and submitting data to the RTI team.  The same instrument should be used for the duration of the intervention. These reports must be attached to the Tier 2 documentation form.

  6. The RTI team should meet every six to eight weeks to review progress and make recommendations to continue or revise plans.  Contact should be made with parents to keep them informed of the student’s progress (phone calls, letters, or meetings are acceptable).

  7. Students remain in Tier 2 intervention as long as they are successful and are progressing.  If unsuccessful, the RTI team will meet to plan a different course of intervention, or refer the student for Tier 3 interventions.

Academic Tier 3

(About 5% of students)

  1. Tier 3 interventions do NOT replace Tier 2 Interventions. They are in addition to Tier 2 Interventions.

  2. Interventions should address the GREATEST skill deficits.

  3. Interventions should increase in intensity and duration. They should occur 4-5 times per week and be performed individually or with no more than 3 students in a group for 15 to 30 minutes.

  4. Progress Monitoring will occur weekly. The RTI Team will meet every 6-8 weeks to monitor progress and make recommendations. Recommendations from these meetings may include:

    • Continue current interventions

    • Modify current interventions

    • Change to different interventions

    • Behavioral Observation/Assessment

    • Request for Comprehensive Evaluation to be presented to the RTI committee for consideration. Requests for consideration for comprehensive evaluation MUST INCLUDE:

      • IQ Screener

      • Attendance Report

      • Grade Report

      • Current STAR scores

      • Current DIBELs scores

      • Most recent achievement test scores (if applicable)

      • Minimum of 6-8 data points of progress monitoring 

      • Vision/Hearing screening

      • Behavior Plan (if applicable)

      • Description of relevant social/emotional factors

This Response To Intervention (RTI) form is to be completed by the referring classroom teacher with applicable documentation attached and presented to the building Title I Facilitator for Tier III intervention student referral consideration.