McKenna Wilson, a student at Harrison Kindergarten, is all smiles as she displays her artwork and the certificate she was presented with this morning by team members from Equity Bank.
Art students at Harrison Kindergarten, under the direction of teacher Kelsey Reid, submitted drawings last month to Equity Bank's "Back-to-School Drawing Contest". The contest rules required students to draw a picture of something for which they would save up their money. In preparation for the project, Mrs. Reid read to the students from the book Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique, a story that centers around a young girl who must work to earn money and save so that she can purchase something she desires.
When the judging was completed, McKenna's creative drawing of a horse in a pasture was chosen as the winner. In addition to her certificate of merit, McKenna's accomplishment also earned $500 for her school to spend on new student projects and/or supplies.
A team from Equity Bank was on hand at Harrison Kindergarten this morning to present McKenna with her certificate and the $500 check to her school. To celebrate the win, Mrs. Reid is planning a pizza party for McKenna's class.
Thank you to Equity Bank for your support of our students!
Good job, McKenna!