Goldilocks and the Three Bears were spotted at Forest Heights Elementary today!
about 2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Staff dressed as Goldilocks and the 3 bears
Harrison Kindergarten students are celebrating the day!
about 2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Kindergarten students in costume
Miss Frizzle (aka Mrs. Reid) and Liz were spotted at Harrison Kindergarten today!
about 2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Kelsey Reid
Students at Skyline Heights are sporting cute and creative costumes today!
about 2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Skyline students celebrate Halloween
Students at Harrison Schools are currently participating in Mad Scientist Week! Today, students donned lab coats and completed exciting and educational scientific experiments with glow sticks, energy sticks, and "glow and grow balloons". Through the experiences, they learned more about electricity's open and closed circuits, the amazing properties of luminescence, and the power of scientific reactions when different materials are combined.
2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Mad Scientist Week
Harrison Preschool students are having fun and taking advantage of today's beautiful autumn weather!
2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Harrison Preschool students at recess
Harrison Preschool students at recess
Just a reminder! Fall Break is this weekend! No student attendance October 18 - 21. No staff attendance October 18. Enjoy your break!
2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Fall Break - October 18-21
State test scores are in!!! Harrison Schools scored ABOVE STATE AVERAGES across ALL grade levels in ALL tested subjects! #GoGobs!
2 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
State Test Scores are In
Just a reminder! Parents and community members are invited to join a Zoom meeting with Stewart Pratt, Superintendent of Harrison Schools. The "Chat with Pratt" will be held today, October 8, 2024, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Pratt will provide a few updates about the district and answer questions from participants. Zoom Meeting link - Meeting ID: 859 7230 7200 Passcode: GOBLINS24
3 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Chat with Pratt
Harrison students/families, We are excited to announce that the annual Reflections Contest is coming up! Students may enter their works of art in 6 different categories including: Visual Arts, Literature, Photography, Musical Composition, Dance Choreography, and Film Production. There is also a special category for students with disabilities. Entries must be related to the theme "Accepting Imperfections". Entry forms and guidelines for entries will be available for your student to pick up in your school office. Let's all encourage our talented Harrison students to start working on their entries for this year's Reflections Contest! DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: TUESDAY DECEMBER 3RD, 2024.
3 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Contest Entry Graphic
We are so proud of our Agri. team at Harrison High School - and we were delighted today when they delivered t-shirts to our building! Thank you, FFA! We will wear them proudly!
3 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
FFA delivers shirts to HS administrators
Harrison Schools Special Olympians spent part of their morning at Oddball Bowling and Arcade (formerly the Cottonwood Bowl). Our student olympians enjoyed practicing their skills to prepare for our area's fall Special Olympics. Good job to all our participants! We are so proud of you!
3 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Special Olympians practice bowling
Press Release: September 20, 2024 This week, a school employee has been charged with possession of controlled substances and with having the substances on school property. The employee was a night custodian, working at Harrison Middle School outside of student attendance hours. The district is cooperating fully with the Harrison Police Department in this matter.
3 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
A message from Harrison Schools
Be sure to notice the beautiful mums outside the Harrison Schools administrative office if you're driving downtown today! Harrison High School Agri students are holding their annual mum sale this week. Stop by the FFA Greenhouse at 925 Goblin Drive to support our students and purchase your fall mums! They are open 8:30 - 3:00 and 3:30 - 5:00 every weekday. Check @HarrisonFFA Facebook page for further updates.
4 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
fall mum
fall mums outside admin building
mum sale flyer
Kaylee Cox Bankston PINK OUT - August 29 from 4-6 pm at the Creekside Tennis Courts. Come out to the courts and enjoy tennis matches between Bergman, Harrison, Jasper, and Valley Springs; card making (for local cancer patients), the First Community Bank Survivor (Fighter) Walk; free throw competition, bounce house, face painting, bake sale; food and fun!
4 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Pink Out
Parents and Students - We would like to invite you to complete a brief survey regarding school safety. Thank you in advance for your participation. We will leave this survey open until 4:00 PM, Friday, August 30. Please let us know if you have any questions. Parent Survey: Student Survey:
4 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Today was a great day! It is so nice to have our students back on campus!
5 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Welcome back
Welcome back to school! Students, we have missed you!
5 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Welcome back to school!
Enrollment forms will be in student's folders for grades K-4th! By filling out the form, your student will automatically have a spot in the program. This program is FREE. It runs Monday-Thursday with pick up by 5:15! Start date is Sept 3rd. Go Gobs!!
5 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
After School Program Flyer
Board of Education President Mitch Magness welcomed Harrison staff back this morning, encouraging them with his words. "You all are simply amazing. Thank you. Thank you for being a part of this district. Thank you for choosing to work here - and thank you for giving the dedication that you give every day to the students of our district. We, as a Board of Education, are incredibly proud of you. We can not wait to see what you do this year."
5 months ago, Harrison Public Schools
Board of Education president Mitch Magness